

Evansville Primary Care is excited to now offer cosmetic services with competitive prices.

We are offering neurotoxin therapy to treat fine lines of the face and neck, including lip and lip lines. Also, treat yourself to microdermabrasion, microglow therapy, facials and more! Let us help you achieve your skin goals with our medical expertise!

We have also added therapeutic neurotoxin treatment for chronic migraines, cervical dystonia, hyperhidrosis, and atypical facial pain. If you're suffering and have failed conservative treatments we can help you. The benefit is being able to receive these specialized treatments at your primary care office by your trusted primary care providers! Schedule today to see if you would benefit; you do not have to live with the pain and discomfort!

-Botox is Not Just for Fine Lines & Wrinkles! -
So you've heard of Botox for wrinkles. What about Botox for relieving TMJ pain?

You may have heard of Botox mostly for its role in making the skin look smoother by reducing wrinkles and fine lines on the face. But Botox does so much more! It has a special way of temporarily blocking nerve signals to muscles. This helps ease muscle problems, and many symptoms associated with TMJ.

What is TMJ? -TMJ causes pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles controlling jaw movement. The temporomandibular joint, also known as TMJ, functions as a sliding hinge that links your jawbone and skull.

Symptoms may Include jaw discomfort, challenges with chewing, and a clicking or locking sensation in the jaw joint. How can Botox help alleviate TMJ symptoms? Botox has been used in medicine for a long time, mainly to help with muscle-related issues. Botox is administered in the treatment of over 20 distinct medical conditions, with an annual administration tally exceeding 6 million.

Using Botox for your TMJ can really help your jaw muscles relax. Once the tension within the muscles surrounding your TMJ is alleviated, you can anticipate a cascade of additional benefits:

Fewer and milder headaches You might feel less worried or anxious You could sleep better at night Your teeth will be protected from grinding Teeth that are sensitive might not bother you as much Within our practice, the integration of Botox in healthcare stems from a singular objective: to alleviate TMJ discomfort and contribute to your overall well-being.

If you or a loved one is suffering from the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ, Evansville Primary Care is here to help! Click 'Contact Us' and a member of our staff will be in touch!

Unlock the secret to timeless confidence with Botox/ Xeomin treatments. Our expertly administered injections harness the power of science to reveal a naturally youthful appearance. Smooth away fine lines and wrinkles while preserving your unique charm.





Kaylynn   McQuady, CMA

Kaylynn   McQuady, CMA